Cyprus, May 27th, 2014: Windsor Brokers Ltd. has announced that they will take part in the iFXEXPO together with GWAZY Ltd. The amazing iFXEXPO will take place this year at the Grand Resort Hotel in Limassol, Cyprus between the 27th and 29th of May 2014.

The iFXEXPO is the largest financial B2B convention that aims to connect FX, Binary Brokers and service providers and to promote networking with important industry firms, executives, affiliates and business introducers. The event includes panels and workshops on various topics such as regulation, industry trends and developments, along with the participation of over 70 exhibitors from around the world.

As one of the most renowned brokers in the FX industry, Windsor Brokers Ltd. will be participating at the event in cooperation with GWAZY Ltd. The two companies began working together last year as Windsor played a fundamental role in the development process of the platform and was the first broker to introduce it in the market. An interesting and dynamic duo between one of the top 10 CIFs with 25 years of experience and the brand new, innovative GWAZY.

The launch of the GWAZY Brokers Solution will take place during the IFXEXPO followed by a presentation of the GWAZY trading method and platform. The GWAZY Brokers Solution will offer brokers the opportunity to get hold of GWAZY themselves as it includes a complete ready-made package; setup, platform, backend, risk management and support.

About Windsor Brokers Ltd.

Windsor Brokers Ltd. is licensed and regulated by CySec (Cyprus), EEA authorized by the FCA (UK), registered with the AMF (France) and BaFin (Germany) and complies with European regulations. Throughout the years, the company has been nominated and has received several awards for its innovative products, services, partnership programs and customer support. Windsor employs over 120 people in Cyprus and abroad and is a leading provider of financial services, catering to both retail and corporate clients from over 80 countries worldwide.


GWAZY is a new trading method and web-based platform designed to offer investors a unique trading experience and a simple, dynamic way of trading financial instruments.

Risk Warning: Margin trading is risky and may result in a loss of all invested capital.


Tα CFDs είναι σύνθετα προιόντα και εμπεριέχουν υψηλό κίνδυνο και ενδέχεται να μην είναι κατάλληλα για όλους τους επενδυτές, γεγονός που μπορεί να οδηγήσει σε απώλεια χρημάτων λόγω μόχλευσης. Το 70% των λογαριασμών των μικροεπενδυτών χάνει χρήματα κατά τη διαπραγμάτευση CFDs με αυτόν τον πάροχο. Bεβαιωθείτε ότι αντιλαμβάνεστε πλήρως πως λειτουργούν τα CFDs, τους επενδυτικούς σας στόχους, το επίπεδο εμπειρίας, και τον υψηλό κίνδυνο απώλειας των χρημάτων σας.